The Stress-Free Physician Career Guide

5 steps to finding a physician-friendly private practice where you can avoid 70+ hour weeks, prioritize patient care over paperwork, and manage your workload efficiently so you can find the joy in medicine again, and spend more time doing what you enjoy.

(And how to land your dream job in a matter of weeks)

"Dr. Hochman is the antidote to physician burnout"

You don't need to stay in your stressful job.
There are several physician friendly private practices
looking for you.
This guide will help you find those employers.

  • Where and how to find physician friendly private practices

  • Red flags to look out for when vetting a private practice

  • How to negotiate you salary effectively

Everything you need to make your next job the BEST ONE

Hi, I’m Dr. Hochman, a family medicine physician and the Medical Matchmaker. I help match physicians with healthy workplaces so they can serve patients at the highest level AND be fulfilled in the process. I believe that doctors should always feel joy in such a rewarding and meaningful profession.

"I only wish I had met her sooner. Dr. Lara is an advocate for finding your voice as a Physician"

Want to make sure this free email course is “worth it” before you sign-up?

Here's everything that's inside:

Day 1: 3 Most Important Things To Do Before You Begin Your Job SearchDay 2: 3 Biggest Mistakes Physicians Make When Choosing An Employer That Leads To Burnout, And Reduced IncomeDay 3: Tips To Negotiating Your Salary Like a ProDay 4: 3 Steps To Vet The Practice You Are ContemplatingDay 5: 3 Best Practices To accelerate your job search and land your dream job in a matter of weeks

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